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Maggie Lee Fayad

I am Maggie-Lee Fayad. I am an Indigenous female who grew up in a tiny Alberta town. I have an immense passion for holding space for women and honouring them on every journey along the way. Healing the sister wound in myself took many years and as I know it will forever be healing in some way or another for the rest of time. But now I feel free of the fear to be held and loved by my sisters and what an amazing blessing it has been. My hope and dream is to ignite the love of sisters in each woman I meet.

Mama Yin and Reiki

Join Maggie for nourishing yin yoga with integrated and grounding reiki.

An offering for our mamas, this yoga class is a great chance for you to give your body a stretch, while community watches over your little one (if you brought them!) with love and care.

As you sink deep into the asanas of our feminine yin yoga practice, Maggie will be walking around and offering group reiki as well as individual reiki to the women she feels drawn to.

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