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Lee Mae Spence

As someone who is on the journey of reclamation and reconnection, I walk with lived experience as an Ininew, Metis and European mixed woman from northern Manitoba living alongside the Hudson Bay.

I'm a passionate community made helper, who is gifted in space holding, decolonizing curiosity based conversations and heart led change.

As a trauma informed, culturally safe and anti-oppressive lens led facilitator, I believe people know what they need and want. I trust that people can take care of themselves, however as a trauma informed facilitator, choice, trust and empowerment are essential to person led change within community care.

Bundle Building: Breath Is Life

Breath is your life force. In this workshop, I will share everyday breathing practices to soothe your nervous system and in exchange create opportunities to co-regulate with others, including non-human kin.

Why breathing practices? Breathing practices paired together with understanding the nervous system creates opportunities for building awareness and safety within your wise body. In this session, I will support you to strengthen your wholistic bundle and together we’ll focus on your breath and nervous system.

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