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Leanne Davis

My passion is to help women journey back home to themselves and land back in their truest essence. Through movement, breath and meditation I believe we can begin the process of coming home and remember what it feels like to come back to yourself.

Journey Home

Join Leanne Davis as she guides you through a class of re-entering your being and re-awakening what is alive within you.

Our session will begin with a guided meditation to help you ground into your body, the experience and your deepest intentions. From there you will move through a gentle yoga sequence to begin opening up the body and energy centres within. As we begin to open up we will move into a conscious dance to celebrate YOU and all that you have to offer this world. After we move and awaken our bodies, we will settle into some breath work to help amplify and awaken the energy within. We will close the session by dropping into a relaxing Savasana, bringing you into a meditative state as you bathe in the aliveness moving through you.

You will leave this event feeling awaken, inspired and deeply in tune with who YOU truly are.

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